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Another Volcano Erupts in the Pacific

We have another volcano erupting in the Pacific and this time the entire island of  Vanuatu island is being completely evacuated for a second time as its volcano...

European Banks Lending in USA Rather than Europe?

European banks have been lending in the United States quiet aggressively because (1) the economy is doing good so there is a demand for loans contrary to Europe,...

EU Regulation Leads to Wholesale Slaughter of Sheep

  In Bulgaria, a farmer had one sheep that died unexpectedly and another which grew sick but survived. Both animals returned negative test results for a...

Market Talk- July 31, 2018

It was almost as though the longer they waited, the more complacent the markets were about the BOJ and the curve! The fears after last weeks rumours, were that the...

Canada Global Warming Tax up to $1,000 per Household?

  I have been warning that Global Warming is profitable for governments. They paid these academics $1 billion to come up with dire forecasts that ignore...

World Trade & Who Needs the Flash Cards?

  The Independent reported that an EU Official said that Juncker used ‘‘brightly coloured, simple flashcards” to explain trade to Trump during...

Healthcare Reform

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, President Trump is claiming that he has come up with health care programs for employees that have lowered the cost below Obamacare. Do you...

Italy – the Coming Revolution & Euro Crisis for 2021?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you obviously have a database on Italy that is without comparison. Nobody else even had a chart on the Italian lira you recently published...

Market Talk- July 30, 2018

A very busy week ahead with month end numbers, central banks, inflation data and US employment report. That said, volumes are still extremely low and large orders...

What is a Superposition Event

Socrates wrote about a Rare Superposition Event took place last week in the Dow. They can take place at all levels of time and can be on a closing basis or on an...