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Gold – Dollar -Trade Deficits All Mixed Up

COMMENT: Marty; I get these emails about gold and have to wonder how people can keep preaching the same thing for decades and never be correct once. Now they say in...

EU is becoming a No-Go-Zone for Business

The European Union has ordered AMAZON to pay about 250 million euros ($294 million) in taxes to Luxembourg, saying it was given an unfair tax advantage from 2003...

Communism/Socialism = Better Sex for Women?

Believe it or not, the latest twist is Marxism provides better sex for women than capitalism. According to the latest study, Eastern women had twice as many...

Market Talk- October 5th, 2017

Key Shanghai Exchange and South Korean markets remain closed and was joined today by the Hang Seng market too. most of the focus centred upon Australia and the ASX...

Private Blog for Dow Jones

Private Blog for Dow Jones Industrials Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

ECB v the Federal Reserve – Different Animals Altogether

QUESTION: Do you really think Trump would let the Central Banks Default? He said we would write off PoteRicos debt maybe he plans to write everything off can he do...

Saudi Arabia threatens to Privatize its Oil and Exit OPEC?

Saudi Arabia may actually be exiting OPEC. There are serious discussions about floating the state owned oil producer Aramco. Saudi Arabia attempted to get other...

The BREXIT Bill to Leaves is All About Pensions for EU Politicians

Why is the bill so high from the EU to Britain to exit the EU?  It’s the Pensions. The EU pensions for government employees is rising dramatically. This is...

Market Talk- October 4th, 2017

Even in Asia the markets appear to be lacking in commitment, despite price increases day after day. The Nikkei gave-up the mornings gains, but still managed a...

EU Press Release Show They Support Tyranny

The press release put out by the EU is just amazing. A dictator can write any law he desires declaring something to be illegal. The EU relies upon that unethical...