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Italy’s Experience With Pre-Pay VAT Was Devastating

COMMENT: Re:  Germany To Tax VAT Just Billing People Before they Pay Please note in Italy we had the same = pay VAT to the government before collecting it from...

Market Talk- October 2, 2017

With Japan being one of the few markets that were open in Asia, most of the conversation was centred around Spain, TANKAN, DXY, UK’s Conservative Party conference...

Spanish & Italian Bonds Hit

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; the Spanish and Italian bonds are getting hit. You were spot on again. RW REPLY:  Yes the peripheral spreads on the Spanish government...

The Death of Socialism – the Rise of Tyranny

QUESTION: Hi, I tend to agree with your view about the decline in socialism.  However, I fear it will be replaced with the other extreme. Doesn’t the pendulum...

Diversification – Smart or Dumb?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you believe in portfolio diversification? ANSWER: No not really. I see no point in putting money in something you know will be a...


QUESTION: Marty, do you think any crypto currency will survive? ANSWER: No. We are looking at central banks and even the Chinese government is moving to create a...

Marxism/Socialism Is On the Decline

  I have warned that we are in a period where SOCIALISM is collapsing – not CAPITALISM. The distinction is manifest in rising retirement ages, reduction...

Google Supporting Tyranny? Anyone who supports the Spanish Madrid government is no different than those who supported the Kings of...

Spain Reveals EU Does Not Stand For Human Rights & Making Revolution Inevitable

The Spanish state police violence have turned against the people showing that they are clearly still a fascist reign supported by troops. Riot officers have been...

How to Save the Planet With Pushing a Button

  I have previously told the story about attending a dinner in Washington and being seated with the entire Environmental group. It was a Washington elite...