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Market Talk- July 3, 2018

Many in Asia had expected to see a recovery today following the turnaround we saw in US markets, but this was not to be. Despite an early rally prices soon turned...

Diversity in Europe is the Key to Understanding the Eurozone Crisis

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I find your analysis refreshing here in Europe. Sometimes we cannot always look in the mirror objectively. You are correct that perhaps the...

Soros Sneaking Around to Meet with the President of Spain off the Official Agenda

Sources in Spain have confirmed that the new president, Pedro Sánchez, met with George Soros secretly last Wednesday afternoon in Moncloa. They met around 7 PM for...

Uganda Taxes the Internet Deny Access Unless you Pay Your Taxes

I have been warning that there are no rules when it comes to the greed of government. Throughout history, the ideas behind taxes keep popping up in slightly...

Market Talk- July 2, 2018

  As we enter Q3 trading, markets remain nervous over trade and Europe. We still have QE disrupting bond markets and so it is not possible to acquire a clear...

Private Blog – June CLosings

PRIVATE BLOG – June Closings...

Is Conversational AI Here?

  IBM has been working on what we call Conversational AI. When I was working on developing Socrates’ Natural Language, I was not interested in creating a...

Cryptocurrency Crash – Has it Done Long-term Damage?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am impressed with your computer system for without historical data depth, it still manage to correctly forecast the high in Bitcoin. The...

Trade War with China

QUESTION: What is your “opinion” on the Trump tariffs dispute with China? ANSWER: Years ago, an old friend from high school was in the...

López Obrador Wins Mexico 43.7%

López Obrador has won Mexico but its political system is flawed as is most parliamentary type systems. It allows for coalitions to be formed from very different...