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Climate Change Scientists Backtracking On New Data At Last

The headline in the London Times: “We were wrong — worst effects of climate change can be avoided, say experts Scientists admit that world is warming more...

Louvre Accord v Plaza Accord

QUESTION: I notice you often cite the *Plaza Accord* when on the topic of central bank currency manipulation. That accord was signed in 1985 with an aim to devalue...

Market Talk- September 20th, 2017

It is probably no surprise that markets are quiet ahead of the Federal Reserve announcement which is probably about to dictate the next chapter in the storey. Both...

Cycle of Knowledge

QUESTION: Hello, I am a French Astrophysicist and I end up watching with great interest a TV story about Martin Armstrong. As a scientist I am really curious and...

Dark Age v Renaissance

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for everything that you do.  Concerning the post, The Long-Term Cycle of Monetary Crisis, you describe the corruption of power that...

Market Talk- September 19th, 2017

Tokyo cash played catch-up today, after yesterdays futures increase, with the Nikkei cash closing almost 2% higher on the day. The Yen continues to play around the...

China a Different Breed of Government

QUESTION: Why do you say China will replace the West when their government is still the communist party? ANSWER: China is no more communist than Donald Trump. There...

Judge Suspended for 30 days for Wearing a Trump Hat

  A judge in Ontario, Canada was suspended for 30-day without pay for wearing a Trump hat – Make America Great Again. This certain raises the question...

New Zealand & the Hunt for Taxes

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, Firstly I appreciate your insight into world events. I don’t see anyone else coming even close to what you do. In New Zealand we are...

Market Talk- September 18th, 2017

After Fridays positive move in western markets and especially US markets hitting yet more record highs, Asia responded with equal optimism. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng...