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The Crash & No Bid

QUESTION: Hey Marty, Love your blog and the insight you have given all your readers. However, I am wondering that when you say the markets are going to become more...

Wyoming’s Money Grab Against VW Dismissed

A Federal Judge Breyer ruled against Wyoming and in favor of Volkswagen (VW) dismissing the claim that because of VW’s manipulation of diesel emissions, they...

Market Talk- September 4th, 2017

Stock markets were spooked by North Korea’s sixth nuclear test over the weekend which had the usual effect of rallying safe-haven such as gold and treasuries. The...

Gold – Oil – Dollar

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; At the cocktail party in Hong Kong I am the one who asked you how China should proceed to make the yuan a reserve currency. You said the...

ECB – Draghi & Tapering

The European Central Bank (ECB) is expected to begin reducing its bond purchases gradually tampering its stimulation program of Quantitative Easing (QE)....

Scandal of Selling Insurance on Products, Mortgages & Loans

One of the biggest rackets contributing to digging a deeper hole of economic decline in growth since the 1990s has been the insurance protection scam. When you go...

WHY are banks Too Big to Fail & Too Big To Jail

There is something much more sinister going on behind the curtain. I have warned that you really are taking your life in your hands doing business in New York City...

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – Equity v Law

Many people have written in on both sides of the issue concerning the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. Some totally disagree with me and...

Macron wants a Federal Budget for All of the Eurozone

French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron is coming out arguing for the total federalization of Europe proposing that there should be a budget for the Eurozone of...

Those Interested in Helping the Victims of Harvey

Those interested in helping the victims of Harvey with its incredible rainfall, may do so directly to the RedCross. There are always scam artists that take...