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Australian Senator Wear Burqa to Demonstrate a Point

Australian Senator Pauline Hanson entered the Senate in a burqa. While others immediately condemn her for anti-Muslim stunts, what about women’s rights? Did...

Extreme Left & Extreme Right Believe in the Same Thing – Oppress all Opposition

  I have written before that if you go extreme right and extreme left, you reach the same political position with two different thought processes – more...

The Overlooked Cost of Electric Cars by EU Gov’t

Governments first imposed taxes on alcohol and cigarettes under the claim that they were trying to make people stop for their own good. But as always, as the...

Market Talk- August 24, 2017

We have seen yet another weaker day with the Nikkei declining once more. It had the opportunity to perform but was dragged lower by Industrials, Metals and...


  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, looking at the analysis of Socrates on gold we see that the Momentum is bullish, trend is bullish, cycle trend is bullish, but Long...

Macron Moves to Restore French Colonial Power

  France has proposed setting up camps inside Libya in order to control the migration flows.  Macron has acted alone once again illustrating that the EU...

Beware the real Political Threat from Within

The future of military and eventually police is to replace the boots on the ground with robots. Duke Robotics has come out now with drones that carry machine-guns....

It is Always a Matter of Capital Flows

QUESTION: Do you use astrology as one of your inputs as to cycles? There are, as you most likely know, financial astrologers who have tracked the patterns of...

Market Talk- August 23, 2017

  A quiet and mixed session for Asia as we watched the only real move and that was in the USD. Given all the uncertainty we are seeing a steadier run for the...

“Fate of the Euro” Seminar Video

The Fate of the Euro seminar is now available for purchase on...