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DEI in America – Open Racism

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) protects “the fair treatment and full participation of all people”, mainly groups “who have historically been...

Interview: Gold, European Banks, Real Estate, EVs, Marxism

Martin Armstrong: (8:38) Gold, European Banks, Real Estate, EVs,...

Nikki Haley the Democrat’s Trojan Horse

  Tucker does an excellent job of exposing Nikki Haley. She is the Democrat’s Trojan Horse. They are trying desperately to put Trump in prison. This is...

World Economic Forum is Greatest Threat to Humanity

Klaus Schwab is a notorious control freak. He is applying that trait to the entire world. His World Economic Forum has issued its 2024 “Global Risks Report,”...

14th Amendment & Punishing the South

  Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution calls for reducing representation in the U.S. House of Representatives for any state, denying...

Market Talk – January 16, 2024

ASIA:   In 2023, the Moscow Exchange reported that trading volume in Chinese yuan surpassed that of the U.S. dollar, marking a significant shift in currency...

Hate Speech Imprisonment Coming to a Theater Near You

The Irish government wants to pass a law that could see you or your loved ones jailed for the mere possession of memes, cartoons, or any content that could be...

Poland You have 6hrs to Report for Duty

Several people requested a link to our report on Poland’s new law preparing for war. We could not do so at the time because the source was internal and had to...

Gerrymandering – Are All Elections Fraudulent?

COMMENT: Marty, Just like leading the country in election cheating (this isn’t a great site to reference, but it does list some of the...

Remote Accessible Vote-By-Mail (RAVBM) – Simplified Election Fraud

The United States of America is not a democracy nor a republic. Previously, I stated that at best we lived under a republic since we the people do not have ultimate...