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Hawaii Volcano – Right of Schedule?

(Download USGS Report on Hawaii) COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I think you have proven time and again that there is a cyclical nature to everything. You said in the...

Market Talk- May 17, 2018

The Nikkei strength was the exception in Asia today, as all other core markets closed lower on the day. The Japanese index benefitted from the weakness of the Yen,...

EU Migration Chief Say Europe Will Continue to Take Refugees “For Decades to Come”

The EU migration chief, Dimitris Avramopoulos, has demonstrated that politicians are just so out of touch with reality they are securing their own...

Euro Demise – The Crash of the Euro is Inevitable

Naturally, the majority had to be wrong that the dollar was in this inevitable bear market. These prognostications were typically those who kept cheering gold...

How Cycles to Diseases are Ignored

It is amazing to me how, outside of physics, the world remains ignorant to the cycles that control absolutely everything right down to the cycle of...

The Money Supply Always Increases in Time of War

QUESTION: Your chart on the Roman money supply shows a huge spike going into 87BC.  Was that just because of the Social War? GS ANSWER: No. During the autumn of...

Day Trading & the Rogue Wave

COMMENT: Hello. I know that although the current level of Socrates is not designed for day trading, but as a professional daytrader even this level is still...

Market Talk- May 16, 2018

The turn in energy prices and the rise in bond yields has started to affect global equity markets once again. In yesterdays US trading, treasuries opened weaker and...

California Takes DNA of Every Baby Born

In California, the DNA of every baby born is being stored by the state. The real question is WHY? Then comes the next question: Who has access? Once that data is...

Why Do Some Pension Funds Avoid Equities?

QUESTION: Hi there Mr. Armstrong In attempting to synthesize some of your past comments, I wonder if it is accurate to conclude that rate hikes are the lesser of...