QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I just read your report on the Maya discovery of time and the flipping of the poles. Obviously, from the data you put together, it appears...
QUESTION: As a retired pensioner and avid follower I’d like to thank you and your team for the free analysis you provide. Is there any way you would consider...
COMMENT: Thank you for the Private Blog. It keeps the rift-raft out. They can bash you all they want and claim you only forecast long-term trends. Yor call on the...
The emails have started with the conspiracy accusations that this is the second WEC when President Trump will be there in the same place. True, he was in the same...
The energy price rally was again the reason given for positive equity markets around the world and Asia benefited also. The Hang Seng (+0.9%) performed the best,...
Yellowstone Supervolcano geyser Steamboat has been unusually active. Many fear that something strange is happening which may signal it is getting active once again...
They are calling it the “Big Chill” because we have just had two years of really Global Cooling. The NASA data has shown that the last two years have...
QUESTION: Dear Marty, due to 5,000-year lows in interest rates, in 2011 the US was able to triple the debt but keep the payments the same as in 1998. With...
Asian markets were in two minds whether to follow energy prices or industrial metals after the news from Washington yesterday. The Nikkei (-0.4%) interpreted it as...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I believe you mentioned at one of the conferences that the Chinese dragged a member of their high court out into the square and set him on...