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Canada Turns Conservative

It appears that all of the globalist, BUILD BACK BETTER leaders are falling out of favor. The latest polling data from Abacus Data indicates that Justin Trudeau and...

The Superbowl – Sports – War – Economy

COMMENT #1:  Hi Marty, I always like when you point to cycles in fields other than economics as well. It has been just over 31.4 years since the Detroit Lions won...

McDonalds Celebrates Davos

INTRODUCING THE McKLAUS To celebrate this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos saving the planet one bug at a time...

Trump wins Iowa & Trump vs Michelle Obama

QUESTION: Trump won and is well over 50% in Iowa. How will they stop him? GF ANSWER: The plan is well-defined behind the curtain. Biden will take the arrows for all...

Germany Protest Today

COMMENT: Hey Mr Armstrong The farmers protests here in Germany are about to get serious today! The Berlin police is in absolute chaos right now because there are an...

Peaceful Resistance is Not Futile

The NYSE is closed today in remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr. King was a firm believer in peaceful resistance as a means to bring about social change, and he...

ECM – the Secret Cycle – It Covered Even Poland

COMMENT: Name: Dear Martin Re your Blog: Poland’s New Government, Pro-War, Pro-EU I kept a copy of your blog ‘Poland & Niger ‘ Posted Aug 9,...

Poland Issues Military Order You Have 6 hrs to Report for Service

As of yesterday, Poland has issued a new directive that if you are called for military service, you have just 6 hours to report. The penalty for failure to report...

The Top Stories Taiwan & Berlin

Anthony Blinken cannot sleep at night when there is world peace. He is like a drunk in a bar who punches you because you looked in his direction, and he ASSUMED you...

Interview: Gold Surges Between War-Driven Inflation Dynamics

Interview with GoldSeek Radio: Head of Armstrong Economics, Martin Armstrong, reviews charts of the major indexes in real-time, noting “2024 could be a...