The Tory Rebels in the UK Parliament joined forces with Labour and the Remain Camp to defeat BREXIT in reality. They claim that Parliament will now vote on the...
QUESTION: Hi Marty, I have been reading your blog daily for the last few years, as well as the archives. I just read your explanation of the difference between...
OK, believe it or not, the Australian government wants sweeping changes in the Catholic Church and other organizations, including making celibacy voluntary for...
There are a number of states now looking into imposing a tax on every mile you drive your car. The leader of the pack has been the West Coast. I previously...
QUESTION: I read your article on Bitcoin. I found it fascinating that defining what it is changes everything. You did not actually say what you thought it was,...
Trying to actually use Bitcoin in the economy is anything but something that will replace any government currency. The transaction fees are outrageous typically 3...
Asia drifted with prices for core all closing around -0.5% lower for the day. Volumes were light but the lack of conviction as well as year end book-squaring were...
QUESTION: Hi Marty, You say, “The one-size-fits-all policy of central banks with regard to interest rates pits East v West in both Canada and the United...
The Trump Tax Reform reducing the corporate tax to 21% and taking effect January 1st, 2018 rather than being delayed until 2019, will be one of the biggest positive...
Once upon a time, police aspired to protect society. Today, police, in general, are more interested in harassing the public to raise money for the government. In...