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Funeral Arrangements for Ida Armstrong this Week

We want to thank so many people for their emails. Martin’s mother attended several of the conferences so many people met her and of course she was the star of...

Ida Armstrong Has Passed in Her 100th Year of Life – February 20th, 2018 at 4PM

Today, my mother passed over in her 100th year strong to the end on the very same day that my father died – February 20th. I can only hope he came to get her...

Market Talk- February 20, 2018

Yesterdays enthusiasm could not be sustained in such thin volume and so it was with HSBC’s earnings miss that returns the fear! The Nikkei took much of the steam...

Socrates Project Update

Just to keep everyone up to date, we have four outside firms in hyper-mode to get the delivery system up. We are not far away. It has to be able to handle serious...

Climate Change Conspiracy Against us All

800,000-year Ice-Core Records of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) QUESTION: Are you saying that CO2 is not a pollutant and we should not be concerned about rising...

Mueller Trying to Take Down Trump – Will He Create Civil War?

  Prosecutors are really no longer able to prove cases without what is commonly called a “rat” who will take the stand and say whatever the...

The Evolution of Growing Food

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You previously mentioned that we can grow crops inside warehouses without the sun or soil. How did mankind survive the last mini Ice Age...

Market Talk- Feb 19, 2018

Even though much of Asia remain on holidays celebrating the New Year, we did see the impressive broad based rally continue. The Nikkei rose another 2% and with...

Cryptocurrency Maybe Become a Tax Nightmare

Credit Karma is reporting that of the first 250,000 tax filings, less than 100 people reported owning any cryptocurrency. Credit Karma is reporting that only 0.04%...

Mueller’s Tyrannical Indictment = the Very Reason We had a Revolution

The Grand Jury was supposed to protect citizens from political prosecutions determining only “probable cause” if the government presents their skewed...