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Volatility – What is It?

  QUESTION: Dear Martin, In the private blog you mentioned a few times that the volatility will rise again in the week of the 12th. When you mention...

Japan Sells US Debt Trying to Ease A Trade War

The Japanese government once again reduced its holdings of US government bonds during December 2017. In total, Japan sold bonds worth $ 22.5 billion. This is not a...

Obama’s Portrait – What Does it Say?

  The official portrait of Obama was painted by Kehinde Wiley. This is a very unusual painting putting a president in a garden setting which traditionally was...

Private Blog – Dow for Next Week

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow Going Into Week of...

Real Estate v Quantitative Easing

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I just finished your new NYSE Boom/Bust report. This is excellent work and as always extremely fascinating. Thank you for continuing to share...

The 2018 Mid-Term Elections

The Mid-Term elections are starting already. There is a huge amount of money being poured into the Democrats to retake the Senate. The entire object here is to...

Market Talk- February 16th, 2018

  Most of Asia are closed due to holidays and so it was left to Japan to reflect Wall Streets strength. The Nikkei closed with a positive return of 1.2% for...

Mueller Creates his Own Conspiracy

Robert Mueller III issued a 37-page indictment detailing a description alleging that there was Russian interference in the election targeted against Hillary. The...

Play by the Number & Life is Simpler

COMMENT: I bought the Vertical Market Report and the indicator you put in that report was elected the week of January 29. I also purchased the 2018 Share Market...

Short v Long-Term Rates

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong, I have read somewhere that you think that interest rates will go up higher than expected and at faster pace. I don’t understand...