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Counter Party Risk – The Truth

Counter-Party Risk   Last week (2nd of February, 2018) ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) published the results of its second EU wide stress test...

Private Blog – Dow for the Week of 2/11/2018

Private Blog – Dow for the Week of...

The First Step is Admitting a Mistake

QUESTION:  Marty, Friends and Princeton Economics Staff, I’ve certainly had a Hate and Love relationship with you over the past few years.! I’ve...

The Transitional Flight to Quality

QUESTION: Hey Martin, … My question is: is there an influence of the Dow at this moment on the cryptocurrency market and the precious metal market? As you...

Why People Hate? Is It for only Three Reasons?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I find it astonishing that there are people who really hate you to the core. Nobody has been a greater forecaster than you and because of...

Indulgences & Protestant Reformation v Banking

QUESTION: Hi Martin–   The Christian Reformation of 1517 was the springboard for the development of western civilization. Most scholars focus on the...

Market Talk- February 9, 2018

Another weak session for Asia, but following the US close that was never going to be a surprise! All core traded heavy throughpout the day but China’s Shanghai...

Private Blog – Gold & Euro

Private Blog Posts have been Made Available on Gold & the Euro for Today’s Closing Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers....

Soros – One of the Greatest Threats Against Society?

It is no secret that I have no respect for George Soros and that is aside from the fact that we would often be on opposite sides of the market. I never saw Soros as...

Suicide by Police

Every police officer is armed and rarely will they ever be found guilty of killing citizens. In London, the police were unarmed and there was far less violence. A...