QUESTION: You have talked about bitcoin and are rightly skeptical as we all should be, yet creative destruction rolls on. What insights do you have to share about...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I live in Germany. I wanted to send my father €200 for Christmas. I had to prove where the money came from. It does seem as if there is a...
The Nikkei reached another 26yr high in early trading, but unfortunately closed down on the day. Ending the day down -0.4% even with the Yen trading lower also...
COMMENT: I watched the Forecaster after ordering the DVD from Amazon. Aside from the fact that it brought tears to my and my wife’s eyes, your forecasts on...
COMMENT: Sir, It’s interesting, since your post on Madagascar and the pneumonic plague, I have Surveilled a site dealing with medical news once a week....
The most devastating plagues in history have been created by migration. There were warnings in the form of rumors that told of a great plague in China and India...
Given yesterdays sudden reversal in US and the accompanying 20% decline in BITCOIN, Asian markets traded nervously as one would expect. Most core opened...
The Chinese rating agency Dagong downgraded the US creditworthiness over the tax reform. What is really a total joke is why anyone bothers to rank any government...
QUESTION: Is the euro really going up on capital inflows or speculation leverage? ANSWER: We are not picking up any real net capital outflows from the USA...
COMMENT: Marty; I really do not know how anyone cannot recognize what you have discovered. The euro began its breakout precisely on your target of the ECM on...