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What Did the Pivots Confirm or Deny for 2017?

QUESTION: Marty; At your training seminar you did a couple of year’s ago, you said your pivot numbers will confirm or deny a high. What was the status on the...

Public Library of Science Published No Evidence of Global Warming Caused by Humans

Even the renown Public Library of Science (PLOS) Organization has stated plainly there is no evidence of Global Warming caused by human activity. “nly 18% of...

2017/2018 the Coldest New Year Ever?

This may end up as the coldest New Year on RECORD! Bitterly cold temperatures across the Midwest and Northeast and up to FIVE FEET of snow appears ready to set 2018...

Sharks Are Washing Up in Massachusetts Completely Frozen

Sharks are migrating south and some are not making it. They are washing up on the beach in Massachusets in cold shock or completely frozen. I suppose they too are...

Russia Responds to the Trump Tax Reform

Russian President Vladimir Putin is also responding to the Trump Tax Reform. Putin has also taken a step to promote the repatriation of capital from abroad. He is...

China Eliminates Taxation For Foreign Companies Investing in China

China has responded to global competition that is exploding in the wake of the Trump Tax Reform. While domestic news in the USA continues to bash the tax reform on...

The 2018 Outlook Report

We are now starting the 2018 Outlook Report and this is going to be a shocker. We are looking at the start of a Panic Cycle Year in many markets. This warns we can...