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Market Talk- December 15, 2017

Asia drifted with prices for core all closing around -0.5% lower for the day. Volumes were light but the lack of conviction as well as year end book-squaring were...

Interstate Banking & Changes to the Federal Reserve

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, You say, “The one-size-fits-all policy of central banks with regard to interest rates pits East v West in both Canada and the United...

The Dow & Trump Tax Reform

The Trump Tax Reform reducing the corporate tax to 21% and taking effect January 1st, 2018 rather than being delayed until 2019, will be one of the biggest positive...

Australia gives Parking Ticket to Man in His Own Driveway

Once upon a time, police aspired to protect society. Today, police, in general, are more interested in harassing the public to raise money for the government. In...

Police Point Gun & Handcuff 11-Year Old Just to Ask a Question

In Grand Rapids, Michigan, the police seem to think they have a right to handcuff people just to question them when they are not even suspected of anything. The...

The Separatist Movements in Canada & One-Size-Fits-All of Marx

Many people are aware of the various attempts of Quebec to separate from Canada. What they are unaware of is the supporters of the Western Independence Party of...

Market Talk- December 14, 2014

Asian markets were the first to reflect the FED’s move, shortly followed by a Chinese response. Earlier today the Peoples Bank of China also raised its base rate...

CNN Desperate to Overthrow the US Government

  CNN, who claims to be Most Trusted Name in News™, has demonstrated that they are by no means to be trusted nor are they ever impartial. They are never...

Pending Tax Reform

Congressional Republicans finally reached a deal on the tax cuts, the biggest reform in 30 years. This sets the stage for a vote next week. The U.S. corporate tax...

Trading v Socrates

QUESTION: Marty; All of these Robo trading plans are simply a flat model. Socrates is forecasting short and long-term rather than just trading a flat model. Am I...