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News & Exaggerating The Storm Coverage

The devastation in the Florida Keys and in the Caribbean Islands has one thing in common. Those houses constructed in wood frames cannot withstand even a Category 3...

Market Talk- September 12th, 2017

As the DXY continued its bounce, so Asian currencies returned their recent gains with the most noticeable move being in the Japanese yen. The currency in late US...

Legal Tender Money v Fiat

QUESTION:  I wonder if you would care in a future blogpost to cast some light on the following? The sole ‘legal tender money’ in the final analysis is...

Am I Certain About the Strong Dollar?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have been reading your blog for over a year now. Your posts are a superb read and one of the first things I check every morning...

Reality of the Dollar

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong. I understand the logic of the weakness / strength of currency that you outline from time to time in your modelling of the global...

Market Talk- September 11, 2017

With no missile test Saturday or new geopolitical news over the weekend, Asian stocks opened on a positive note. The Chinese central bank loosened some financial...

Hackers Break Into Equifax – Big Time!

Welcome to the reality of the Digital World and there are those in government who want to eliminate cash and force everyone into electronic deposits. Well the...

The Target Week of 9/11 Storms to North Korea

Tampa 1921 QUESTION: Marty, You said in Orlando last year you ran your models on where to locate in Florida and said a big one was due in 2017. Now with your...

Price Gouging in Emergencies

There are a lot of people claiming that price gouging should be criminal. What they fail to take into consideration is that price gouging is the only way to really...

Socrates is Up but Irma Has Impacted Our Independent Data Feed

While Socrates is not located in Florida and all our sites are also not dependent upon one location, unfortunately, one of our data provider operates on servers in...