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Is There Really More Oil in The Golan Heights than in Saudi Arabia? Who’s Genie Energy?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong I live in Israel and today I listened to your podcast with Macrovoices. At some point you mentioned that there is more oil in Golan heights...

Market Talk- May 2nd, 2017

Given the long weekend approaching in Japan, there was no let up for the yen weakness today as we broke into the 112’s finally. The Nikkei closed better bid as...

Civil Unrest in Oregon – Communist Uprising is USA?

  We have succeeded in moving close toward the Civil Unrest that can erupt into civil war. In Oregon on the Communist May Day holiday,  anti-Trump factions...

Federal Reserve & Elastic Money & NY Clearing House Certificates

QUESTION: Why do you support the fed in what you call elastic money and not a gold standard? ANSWER: As usual, you listen to the nonsense about how the Fed is owned...

Austria Wants to Tax Any Search, Like, or Communication via Internet

Andreas Schieder (born 1969) is the parliamentary head of Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern’s Social Democrats. He is a typical career politician since 1997 and...

Soros At it Again – Trying to Overthrow Polish Government?

Tokyo March 1999 Institutional Seminar QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I attended your March 1999 conference in Tokyo when I worked for ______ bank. I remember you called...

Market Talk- May 1st, 20117

Volumes are always low when many markets are closed and that is what we saw in todays trading. Under those conditions the Nikkei returned a positive performance as...

The Dow & The Future – May 1st, 2017

The closing for April in the Dow Jones Industrial Index was very interesting to say the least. The closing at 20940.51 was just under our numbers defining bullish...

Democrats Count of Press to Blame Trump if Social Security Defaults Temporarily

The Debt Ceiling issue is back and of course people will sell the dollar as if the USA would actually default. The bulk of the debt is owned by the government so...

North Korea – Beware of Internal Events

QUESTION: Marty; I find it really amazing how your computer picked Ukraine, then Syria, and then you said in an interview that you regard Korea as the most...