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New Zealand to Foreigners – Get Out!

The New Zealand Prime Minister that took the country back into Marxism, has fired its first shot across the bow.  The Labour party have formally signed a coalition...

Diamonds replacing Gold?

  There has been an effort to use diamonds in place of gold since you can travel with them without setting off metal detectors. But the real problem has been...

Hillary’s What Happened – She Lost & It Was Her Fault!

Hillary is running around pitching her book – What Happened. Of course, we all know the answer – she lost. The problem is that she takes no blame for...

Saudi Arabia in Search of Cash

QUESTION: I read your blog about the Saudi’s potentially selling a large private equity position from China in Aramco rather than accessing the public...

Market Talk- October 24, 2017

  Having just seen an uncertain US session, Asia was a little confused which way to take markets from the opening bell. Still, it appears as though Shanghai...

Is Europe Repeating the 1930s?

Europe is now replicating the 1930s and the mistakes it made with austerity back then as well outside of Germany. Of course, Merkel has imposed the German view of...

The Six Groups of Investors and Traders

​ The recent report by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), shows that the professional investors have continued to bet on falling Dow...

What Comes After the High

QUESTION: Marty, we are living in Austria and we try to grasp what will come after the Dow reached the mid 30.000s or even the 40.000s in 2019/20 and the dollar...

Market Talk- October 23rd, 2017

In Japan Shinzo Abe is back in, Czech Republic has taken a step to the right, Catalonian crisis is back in the headline (if it were ever out in the past few weeks),...

Catalonia is not Just About Spain – it is About Brussels!!

There are of course those in Spain who side against Catalonia. Others write who are in Catalonia yet disagree with the separatists. Let me make this very clear. It...