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Norway – The Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund in the World

QUESTION: Martin, There are several news stories this past week reporting that Norway’s pension fund has reached $1 trillion dollars, or $190,000 per citizen....

The Mifid II Directive – Changing Research Forever

  Many Institutions are turning to our services because of Mifid II. We are starting a free trial for institutions now because so many are asking for help...

Politicians Start to Run Away from Global Warming

Politicians have been confronted with the real cost of their support for global warming. France has suddenly come out in support of diesel because of the jobs that...

ECB Negative Rate Experiment May Lead to the Worst Financial Crisis in Modern History

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your proposition that the quantity of money theory is dead seems to be a true earth shattering perspective. It certainly disproves the...

Teaching Courses

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I would like to begin by expressing my appreciation for what you are doing. I have learned far more about economics reading your blog than...


Warning there is a major fraud with a pretend site Traders Offer offering everyone’s research for pennies on the dollar. They pretend to have a PayPal...

Market Talk- September 26, 2017

  The late headline from North Korea yesterday spooked Stocks, Gold and Treasuries but had broadly lost most of that by the end of the Asian time zone. Both...

UK Pension Fund Insolvency Soars by 30% in a Single Year

The London Sunday Times business section headline demonstrates what is really facing us and governments implode. Public sector pensions liability surged 30% in a...

Ice Core Samples Prove CO2 Levels Lag Behind Temperature Increases

QUESTION: Are you saying there is no direct correlation between CO2 and a rise in temperature? ANSWER: Correct. We have data going back 800,000 years that was...

Has Merkel Been Undermined in Germany?

  The German election was on par with the global trend that is rising up against the establishment as we have known it. Angela Merkel has been accused of...