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Market Talk- August 21st, 2017

The news of Steve Bannon’s departure on Friday came too late for Asia and so cash markets readjusted in this mornings session. We did see a little move back into...

Erdogan Tells Turks in Germany to Vote Against Merkel

While the Democrats want to make a huge issue out of Russia hacking their files and releasing evidence that they were truly corrupt and how Clinton was just a liar...

Angela Merkel is being Called a Traitor for the Refugee Crisis

The EU has abandoned Italy while simultaneously demanding that the refugees must be taken care of. Nearly 100,000 refugees have arrived in Italy since the start...

The Last Total Eclipse was 2days After Signing the Declaration of Independence So Celebrate Today

Solar eclipses have been observed throughout history. As to be expected, they have often been seen as omens along with comets. We hear if the star of Bethlehem that...

Socrates Preview Adding to Standard Access

We have added some short-term text to the opening of the Standard base edition of Socrates to help during this immediate market shift going into September. We will...

Steven Bannon Fired – Thank God

Steve Bannon has been fired  from the Trump team, and many are saying good riddance. It was Bannon who has been the  architect  of the most confrontational...

Barcelona Terrorist Attack – Is Europe Lost?

Barcelona, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, was the target of the Islamic State in their latest terrorist attack to kill people on a wholesale basis....

Trump Forced to Dissolve Advisory Committees As Left Targets Businesses

The protesters in New York have succeeded in threatening any business that works with Trump. They targeted JP Morgan and Blackstone demanding they resign. This has...

Rogoff Tells Central Banks More Negative Interest Rates Will Be Needed

Kenneth Rogoff,  the Professor of Economics at Harvard University, is stuck in a time warp where he cannot think out of the box even once. He is telling the...

Market Talk- August 18th, 2017

We didn’t really need an excuse for why equity markets were lower in Asia today, but we certainly found it in US markets irrespective of political uncertainties...