How is it possible that we can have legalized class warfare and politicians run on extorting the rich at gun point with threat of imprisonment if they do not pay...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Gold rallies with each political event and then falls back when the event is over. It is not in a sustainable relentless bull market as was...
A solid day for the Nikkei today closing up +0.7% but have watched yen trade comfortably with a 110 handle all day. Talk in Japan is very much concentrated on...
It is amazing that people keep voting for career politicians every time and then are dissatisfied every time. Now Reuters is reporting that most French voters are...
QUESTION: Sir, In March 2013 Cyprus performed a forced loan through their banking system of about 50%. You have warned that if they do it there, they will...
The issue of credit default swaps (CDS) in 2017 is running at twice that of last year reflecting rising concerns of another coming crash. The number of hedge funds...
Asia benefited from the afternoon bounce in the US markets, with all core performing across the board. The Hang Seng probably saw large cap’s perform on the back...
Kim Jong-un watches his launch, but on the screen, you will notice charts of markets. He is clearly trying to disrupt the financial markets with the launching...
The Germany has posted a stunning 4.3% rise in tax revenues during the first half of 2017. I have warned that while the ECB keeps buying government bonds to...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I find it fascinating that your computer projected August as the turning point this year and the week of 09/04. I suppose that could be a...