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Is it Time to Hold Journalists in Contempt of Court for National Security Reasons?

On Tuesday U.S. officials, under the guise of anonymity, leaked the name of the suicide bomber responsible for the attack at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester...

Shari’ah Standard on Gold to Replace the Dollar? Really?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have read where some people are claiming this “Shari’ah Standard on Gold” will become the new “reserve currency” and...

Is May 3rd Comey Testimony the Smoking Gun?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I respect your legal reasoning. A friend of mine is a lawyer and he said you are pretty sharp. So I pose this question. People are claiming...

US to Sell Off its Strategic Emergency Oil Reserves

The US government plans to sell half of the Strategic Emergency Oil Reserves and gasoline. The days of OPEC embargoes of the 1970s are now long past....

Schiller Cyclically Adjusted PE Ratio (CAPE) – Real or Misleading?

QUESTION: Hi Martin,   Long time… perhaps you can reflect on the indicator of the Shiller CAPE ratio? Not that it is a predictive sell/buy signal in itself,...

Research – Where to find it

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; I read the research you provided for the Hong Kong WEC. I tried to see if I could find some of the Harper’s Weekly articles you...

Market Talk – May 26, 2017

Asian indices closed lower on the day following a disappointing OPEC announcement. The market had built-up so much expectation that no-reduction was necessary to...

Interest Rates Up & Bonds Up?

While the Fed may be raising rates, there is still a flight to quality underway that is giving a bid to US Treasury issues. Low Treasury yields may remain the norm...

Obama Administration Intervened in Canadian, British, and French elections

There is a very serious hypocrisy over this whole issue of Russia trying to influence the 2016 election when the Obama Administration directly intervened in Canada,...

Catalonia to Separate from Spain?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, when you were here in Barcelona, you said that Catalonia would vote to separate from Spain. Most thought you would be wrong. I myself...