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Monetary Devaluations & Cancellations

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What Modi has done here in India is far worse than what the press reports. I read your piece that this is part of a larger plan discussed...

Market Talk – January 9, 2017

The demand for safe-haven JPY returned with a vengeance today even though Japan was on a national holiday (Coming of Age Day) but in the futures markets the Nikkei...

Moscow – January Record Cold 31 Below Zero

The Moscow’s Emergency Situations Ministry told residents on Friday that temperatures would drop as low as minus 35 degrees Celsius (-31 Fahrenheit) during...

The Overview

The Dow made a new high on Friday, but we failed to closed above the 2016 high. We still see the next major resistance level in the 21000-23000 area. A Phase...

The EU Precedent also Lies in the Athenian Empire

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your work on the euro from the nineties and how it would fail. Everything you laid out unfolded over the the subsequent 20 years....

Temperatures are Plunging

COMMENT: Marty; It’s below freezing in Athens. This is the coldest I have ever felt here in a long time. The average temperature is normally 10°C (50°F). I...

Clapper now Blames RT for Influencing the Election – Amazing

Back in March 12, 2013, James Clapper committed perjury before Congress for which anyone else would go to prison for 5 years. He did not flinch at denying that the...

Larry Summers – Who Admits He Cannot Forecast – Forecasts Trump

QUESTION: Marty; Did you see Larry Summer’s comments on Trump. Is this guy completely insane? He says Trump is proposing things off the planet. Wasn’t...

Do the Democrats Hold an Anti-Religion Position?

The Podesta emails revealed a real anti-Catholic and anti-Evangelic religious position in the Democratic Party. For the party that was founded by the slave owner...

Bringing All the Sources Together

QUESTION: Hi Martin! I have been enjoying readings in your rich (in knowledge) website and writings in my vacations here in Southern South America. Between one...