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Do People Hear Only What They Want to Hear?

QUESTION: You always say the markets cannot be manipulated. Deutsche Bank is turning over the smoking gun. Any comment? ANSWER: It seems you are using the term...

Dow For Wed December 14, 2016

We are pushing up against the next resistance level. We need to close above 19970 to imply we will break through the 20k level. It does not yet appear to be ready...

Market Talk – December 13, 2016

The Nikkei continued its march in todays trading adding an additional +0.5% with the Yen behaving. The consensus appears to be happy the FED will raise which will...

Jill Stein – The Great Con – People Are Starting to Question Her Motives

Jill Stein is really playing very fast and loose with this whole recount thing that serves no purpose. In Wisconsin, 95% of the votes were recounted, and as of...

India’s Gold Confiscation & Turkey’s War on Currency

QUESTION: Marty; You have been emphasizing not to buy gold bullion but US gold coins such as the $20. You have said that the last time they confiscated gold coin...

Is CIA Trying to Cover Its Own Hack or Accommodating Obama?

Obama’s parting shot across the bow is his order of a full review into hacking aimed at influencing US elections going back to 2008. Instead of targeting the...

Market Talk December 12th, 2016

This week will all be about the Federal Reserve and the outlook for rates into next. The strip is pricing in additional moves already but it is the long end that is...

Lobbying Moves into High Gear Against Fed Rate Hike

The lobbying is off and running is super-high gear to stop the Fed from raising rates once again. Governments all over the world have a very myopic view and...

McDonalds Leaves EU for Britain

The EU is just insane. They cannot comprehend how to run an economy. The abuse on taxation assessments in the EU has led to McDonalds relocating its international...

Dallas Suspends Pension Withdrawals

The Dallas Police and Fire Pension System’s Board of Trustees officially suspended all withdraws last week. The move stopped $154 million of withdraws...