James Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, is the alleged shooter who tried to kill the Republicans at a charity baseball game. This is the problem with such hate...
Despite better than expected data from domestic China (Retail Sales 11% and Industrial Production +6.5%) it was not sufficient to support a positive close. Shanghai...
Governor Jerry Brown of California is committing treason Against the United States. He is leading a confederacy against the Federal Government and should stand...
Apple’s Company in Doha, Qatar, has been added to a list of 59 people/institutions that are considered to be funding terrorism (directly/indirectly) by Saudi...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your Impeachment Report and it was a real eye opener. I was impressed with your legal expertise. For that reason, the entire Comey...
Tech shares continued to suffer in Asia but failed to influence the wider markets, but by the close even they had turned positive. Having been closed yesterday,...
Then we have workers being replaced by robots along with driverless cars. Here too, thanks to the elitists like Bill Gates, who suddenly wants to be an economist,...
QUESTION: Marty; Fox News said it is impossible to impeach Trump. Is that true or what? Thanks ANSWER: This is a very complex issue. This is why I wrote this all...
Believe it or not, the new theory in government to protect the environment is to force companies to layoff workers. They want to put a toll on workers driving to...
We will probably only see one out of four move this week and that one will, of course, be the Federal Reserve. Yes, we have four central banks meeting this week...