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Market Talk – August 10th, 2016

  A weaker opening for the Nikkei was off-set by better than expect economic data (Machine Orders) by lunchtime. The majority of the afternoon trading was in...

IMF & Gold Reserves

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; People are adamant that there is a move to return to the gold standard. They claim various scenarios. Is there any such plot by the IMF and...

Europe on the Brink of Complete Chaos?

There are so many incidents with the refugee crisis in Europe that the blog could be filled with that subject alone. Even the press in Germany is starting to shift...

Is Value Investing a Safe Bet?

QUESTION: What do you think of value investing? Bob ANSWER: As with everything, a cycle that you have to understand will unfold. Everything will move to extremes...

Market Talk — August 9, 2016

  Consolidation was the name of the game in the morning session for Japan, which dealers were happy to see especially after yesterdays prestigious run. Hang...

Europe Begins to Rebel Against Austerity

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I attended the Berlin Conference. I have to say that you have done an excellent job of laying everything out from the rally in the euro back...

Political Correctness Going Nuts

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it appears to me that we are moving to the extreme in political correctness to the point it is creating children who can no longer rep the...

Germany Raids Healthcare Funds to Support Refugee Crisis

COMMENT: Dear Martin, you always claim that the costs for social security will become unpayable from 2017 onwards. In Germany we have health care system organized...

Market Talk – August 8, 2016

The Asian cash markets just could not wait to open this morning after the huge Payrolls number on Friday. Admittedly, it took a little time and a better than...

Public Sectors are Devouering the Private Sector

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I understand your general message and totally agree with it. I now see the big picture in a systematic trend and everything moving in the...