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British Politics Melting Down

Seven members of the Labour shadow cabinet have resigned and one has been sacked. Resignations so far include the shadow health secretary, Scottish secretary,...

European Union off to the Emergency Room

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was skeptical at the Berlin WEC, but your forecast is coming in and nobody else called this. It was the most amazing conference I ever...

Spanish Elections Today – BREXIT Part II?

  The anti-austerity party Podemos is now expected to make large gains in Spain’s parliamentary election today. If this unfolds, it will...

Jeremy Corbyn – Marxist Head Target of British Labour in Revolt

Hilary Benn called Jeremy Corbyn overnight to claim he should resign! Corbyn fired him. The Labour Party claims there is no confidence in Corbyn, and there will be...

Why Britain Joined the EU Back in 1973

BREXIT is a Watershed for Europe

“There’s no way around it: today is a watershed for Europe and the European unity process,” Merkel admitted. Of course, people like Schulz are...

Six More Countries Want Referendums to Exit EU

  Brussels simply went too far. They crossed the line after moving from an economic union to a political subordinate of Europe. Now, six more countries want to...

Central Banks in Crisis Watch Mode

Our sources are saying that the central banks have come to an accord to cooperate in an effort to support financial stability in the wake of Britain’s vote to...

Now the Losers Want a Second Referendum to Overturn BREXIT

A petition has gained 1 million signatures to overturn BREXIT and hold a second referendum. Of course, they will do a far better job at rigging this one if it goes...

Dow – Down & Dirty?

The Dow has been bouncing off the Reversals as well. Despite being above 17800, it would fail to close above that. The question becomes WHEN will the Dow breakout...