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Site Will Be Down Saturday June 18th

The site will be down today for some updating. It will be back up on...

Gold Almost – The Close of June 17, 2016

Gold closed above the 1280 Weekly Bullish, yet below 1299 despite the fact that it pushed up to 1301 after the close. Notice that gold rallied up to 1318.90, and...

Market Talk June 17th, 2016

A little light relief for markets ahead of the weekend with core Asian equities clawing back some of momentum lost earlier in the week. The Nikkei did manage a 1%...

Private Blog Update in Metals & Dow for Close 6/17/2016

We have made two updates on the Private...

Sometimes You Just Have to Go With the Flow When Nothing Flows

The central banks are clueless and have no control over the economy. This whole thing reminds me of Australia. I loved going into the Outback, driving through...

Tariffs – Labor – Consumer

QUESTION: If Donald trump issues a tariff on countries like china will that cause the price of goods from china to go up in price?? Also is he correct by saying it...

Hillary Clinton – “Crisis of Character”

More people are writing books about the Clintons to expose their corruption than any other president or presidential candidate in history. While Bill has dominated...

Market Talk June 16, 2016

Many blamed the BOJ for today’s Nikkei decline, for not announcing additional stimulus measurers, but for whatever reason we found ourselves 3% lower on the...

Gold Crashing June 16, 2016

QUESTION: Marty; This pop in gold smells like another manipulation. Everyone was saying Soros is selling everything and buying gold. They seem to have gotten the...

British MP Assassinated as Tensions Rise over BREXIT

British Labour politician Jo Cox, who was against BREXIT, has been assassinated. A gun-wielding man fired twice, and kicked her as she was lying on the floor...