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Gold Private Blog Update

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Britain’s Ice Age Is Unfolding?

Many say that Britain is moving into an Ice Age and energy prices are rising, for the U.K. is as cold today as it was in December. This cold period has sent heating...

S&P 500 is Really Cheap

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Another element that strongly supports your view is that US equities will fly at some point in the future. If you take the trailing 10y avg...

Can the USA Break Apart Legally?

Within the US Federal Constitution, there is what many refer to as the Republican Guarantee Clause of Article Four; Section 4; Clause 1: Obligations of the United...

Oklahoma Police Can Seize Your Entire Bank Account on a Traffic Stop Without Any Charges

    The one state that has gone complete anti-democratic is Oklahoma. It is wise not to travel in that state at all. Oklahoma should...

Saudi Arabia Banning Short Selling Against the Currency Peg

Saudi Arabia has banned financial products that amount to a short position against the riyal. The measure indicates the high degree of attack that the peg is...

Market Talk — June 8, 2016

Asia did not provide much direction overnight as core indices were pulled in either direction. The Nikkei was the top performer, closing just under 1% better having...

Private Blog Update on the Dow

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Private Blog Update on Gold

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US Elections — From Bad to Worse

We have a socialist, a criminal, and an amateur who speaks before he thinks all running for the position of leader of the “free world” which is anything...