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Am I Biased for Trump?

COMMENT:  Mr.Armstrong, I am wondering why you haven’t commented on the recent Trump scandal about the video with Billy Bush? Constantly seeing articles on...

Are we Being Prepared for World War III?

The choice for president has never been so bad. The latest polls show 63% of voters said Clinton is overly secretive, 55% said she was corrupt, and 52% said she...

The Urgency of The Issues

Market Talk – October 11th, 2016

Japan finished on a strong note but it was a disastrous opening (following oil) that it had to spend the rest of the day recovering from but a near 1% better close...

Peak in Bonds/Low in Interest Rates – Is it Time Yet?

If there was ever any question that this is a bond bubble with a 5,000-year low in interest rates, the final bit of insanity just took place. Italy managed to sell...

War Cycle on Target – Sad to Say

All indications are now pointing to war between the USA and Russia. It appears the powers that be in Washington fear a Trump victory and he would end nation...

Protests in Germany Turn Against Pro-Refugee Politicians

The resistance to the refugees in Germany keeps rising. German mayor Joachim Kebschull of Oersdorf had to be hospitalized after he was severely beaten after...

Market Talk – October 10th, 2016

Asia started poorly on the back of a weaker oil market until Russia announced it would be willing to cutback its oil production in respect of the OPEC decisions....

The 3 Units of Time Reaction Rule

QUESTION: Marty, In your September 8 post you said “The Reversals have done a good job and this is actually an appropriate example of how to use them to stay...

Can a Computer Really Beat Humans in Running the Economy?

QUESTION: Many people has written in asking this basic question: “Do you foresee a time when machine logic prevails in economic decisions?” ANSWER: Yes....