The head of the national conservative Polish ruling party PiS, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, has called on Germany to be fair and cooperative with its neighbors. He has said...
We apologize we have had problems with our data provider. They have added digits to the data without prior notice causing real problems. We are now in the...
Other than individual bank stocks, Friday’s EBA report had little overall effect on core markets as we heard nothing that we were not already familiar with. The...
HILLARY CLINTON @ real DonaldTrump thinks that democrats care about his opinion, how does it feel putting your stuff where it doesn’t belong ? DONALD J TRUMP...
The arrogance of those in power is typically beyond belief. Those in the International Monetary Fund have been so biased that their own refusal to review what is...
The armory at the U.S. base at Stuttgart, Germany, was broken into and a weapons cache was stolen. The U.S. Army has begun a criminal investigation, but they are...
The documentary, “Hillary’s America,” looks into the secret history of the Democratic Party and Hillary’s rise to become the presidential candidate. I find...
QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, As you have stressed many times, your Socrates computer system has hundreds of years of data. The US political system has hundreds of...
Hillary Clinton & Michael Bloomberg at the Goldman Sachs new building construction Former Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg had the audacity to...
Bill knows that other people write such speeches anyhow and they are never the real words of the speaker. So what the heck — might as well catch a break from the...