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Dow How & Why

COMMENT:  Hello, First of all, I´m impressed.Really, you basically called the Drop in the Dow a few Days before it happened. How did you put together the crash...

When Increasing Money Supply Produces Deflation

The Telegraph has come out stating bluntly “ECB’s Mario Draghi has run out of magic as deflation closes in.” The confidence level in central banks...

Hunt for Cash – Vancouver Airport Seized $18.7 million from Travelers

Over the past 3 years, Vancouver has seized at its airport $18.7 million in undeclared cash of which 70% has been from Chinese. The hunt for money is really...

Bankers Laid off 100,000 so far

The numbers are in. Banking as indeed seen its peak. Banks in Europe and the US have dismissed 100,000 people last year, the bulk after 2015.75 . The decline is...

European Companies Scrambling to Issue Debt

With the ECB expanding its quantitative easing program to include corporate debt, European companies are now scrambling to issue as much debt as they can as cheap...

WEC November 10th to 13th – We Added 50 Seats

For the General Public WEC, we sold out as usual. We have worked it out to add another 50 seats. The computer is managing this booking so I have not been on top of...

The Week in Review for the Dow

Well the week after Labor Day has lived up to its reputation. The Dow crashed on time, but the burning question is – will it follow-through? The Dow peaked on...

Hillary maybe Just What the Model Needs to Finish off the Economy

A Hillary presidency should be the best possible outcome for the markets since they should then begin to reflect what happens when you completely undermine...

The Federal Reserve’s Structural Changes

  QUESTION: Why are there so many Fed branches? It seems this is another way for government just to create jobs and pensions. ANSWER:I wrote several times that...

Market Talk – September 9th, 2016

Asia was a mixed with a strong Hang Seng (+0.75%) an unchanged Nikkei and a slightly weaker Shanghai (-0.55%), which after yesterdays ECB Q+A session was actually...