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FBI Release Notes of Hillary’s Interview

Hillary has claimed that Comey said she was honest and truthful in her interview recasting the whole controversy. Now, the FBI sent lawmakers notes on its interview...

Hillary & Death Taxes

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, my family was always farmers. When the death tax was imposed by Democrats, little by little with each generation we had to sell something to...

Market Talk August 17th, 2016

There appeared little reason the JPY to strengthen as much as it did yesterday during any of the sessions but that said, we did see 99.75 at one stage yesterday....

Department of Labor Regulating Your 401K April 16th, 2017

The financial services industry is undergoing its greatest upheaval perhaps in more than 35 years because the government came up with a brilliant new idea to...

Pennsylvania Attorney General Guilty of Perjury

At the state level, governments vary overall, but for the most part, they are nowhere near as corrupt as the Federal government and its court system. Pennsylvania...

European Banking Crisis

Is a the European bank rally sustainable? European banks continue to rally marginally following the release of the European Bank Authority stress test. However,...

Market Talk August 16th, 2016

The strength of the JPY had a large impact on the Nikkei today’s and as it broke par then the Nikkei was hit closing down around -1.7% in all. Exporters are...

The Press & Yellow Journalism & Trump

COMMENT: Marty; When they locked you up I read it somewhere that you were the man who knew too much. Your latest piece “Why the Republican Neoconservatives...

Defense Department Missing $6.5 Trillion up from $2.3 Trillion in 2001

Once again, the office of Inspector General has come up with a huge hole in the Department of Defense with a missing $6.5 trillion. The day before 911, Rumsfeld...