401K is a Private Retirement Fund under US Law QUESTION: Martin, I’m still fairly young, so I don’t have a lot saved in my retirement accounts yet, but...
We will be providing the links to sign up and for the hotel rooms hopefully by the end of the day. We have a special price for the hotel which includes free...
Hang Seng decided to join the Nikkei’s performance overnight with both indices returning a 2% gain for the day. Sadly, the Shanghai was unable to join the fun...
COMMENT: Marty; Stunning! Silver bounced off your number by 3 cents. It was 30 cents in gold. No wonder the government wanted your code. REPLY: The numbers are the...
So-called helicopter money involves using a central bank’s power to create money to directly inject funds either into government coffers or straight into the...
There is talk that Obama may go to Britain to express support for Cameron’s position on Britain remaining in the EU, even though it will surrender its...
The bankers will be backing Hillary with unlimited money. If Trump becomes the nominee, you will see a major effort to put Hillary in the White House. If the...
QUESTION: Hi Martin, In your April 20 blog post, you stated, “You are better off with tangible assets for the transition when it comes.” Please explain...
Nikkei opened well and also saw a retracement of the JPY, but unfortunately, other Asian indices did not follow suit. Having seen a 0.5% gain in the first hour of...