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Fundamentalists & their Formulas

QUESTION: Marty, I believe that the traditional way of looking at even value no longer applies. Take the claimed doctrine in finance named the dividend discount...

Head of Swiss Army Sees Rising Civil Unrest & Calls Upon the Country to Arm Itself

On Sunday, Swiss army chief André Blattmann warned directly to a Swiss newspaper that social unrest in Europe is rising. He warned that the increasing aggression...

Happy New Year — Bail-In Passed for Europe's Banks

The mainstream media is not extensively reporting on the “experimental” bail-in that the EU imposed on Cyrus. The bail-in, that they swore would never...

The European Army Loyal to Brussels Only

The EU is using the Muslim invasion and Paris attack as a means to achieve its dream of federalizing Europe. They are now moving to create a European Army,...

Market Talk — December 29, 2015

Despite the low volume, we saw a positive rally across Asian equities with all markets closing around 0.5% or higher. The PBOC set the yuan rate at 6.486, the...

The Numbers are the Numbers

QUESTION: Dear Marty, You have put your numbers out there for all to see for year end. Can they manipulate the closing due to thin markets, then reverse them to...

The Dow for Year-End — Will it All Just Go Nuts for 2017?

The Dow Jones Industrials still remains in a bullish posture on a broader perspective. The real critical support will lie at 16500 and the Panic Support is well...

314 = PEI


Why Won't the Press Reveal What Hillary Has Done to Students & Families?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, we saved for years to pay for our children to have an education. But tuition has exploded in price making the average student now dependent...

Australia Cannibalizing its own Economy

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has applied for access to everything to hunt for money. They want access to phone calls, emails, posts, and SMS text messages. We...