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The Insanity of the Housing Market

QUESTION: Marty, What is the answer to affordable home ownership? Here in Australia the tax incentive called negative gearing introduced during Paul Keating’s...

Saudi Arabia Announces Fiscal Deficit of $135 Billion

Yesterday, Saudi Arabia announced that 2015 would produce a budget deficit amounting to $135 billion (367 billion riyals). A royal decree, effective on Tuesday,...

Market Talk — December 28, 2015

Holiday volume and poor order flow was the name of the game today and can probably be expected for the rest of the run into New Year. In Asia, China’s Shanghai...

China to Stimulate by Cutting Taxes

China is demonstrating that it is more practical than anyone else in the industrialized world. They have announced that they will “reasonably” set...

The Conspiracy of Collapse

QUESTION:  Hi Mr Armstrong, I’m still an avid reader of your blog. A question occurred to me when I read your article on vulture funds. Do you think that it...

The Only Hope to Save Britain?

Landlords are joining together to challenge the Conservative’s (i.e. Tory’s) tax hike by filing a suit in the high court against their tax increase on...

Pi & Major Changes in the Monetary System

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have said that the Pi cycle shows up everywhere in finance. I have looked at the charts you posted in the Roman Empire. Has this had a...

UBER Drivers Destroying Their Own Jobs in Court Battle

The UBER case in the Ninth Circuit (California) demonstrates that drivers’ are blinded by greed and cannot see that they are altering the entire basis of...

Stock Market vs. Currency Inflation

QUESTION: Hello Marty Great conference! If the EM Debt implodes wouldnt the stock markets of those counties rise?? If the stocks from the EM markets did rise would...

Clintons' Gift to Bankers Made Student Loans the ONLY Exception to Bankruptcy Alongside Taxes

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Since watching ‘The Forecaster’ I read your blog daily: thank you for all you have done to make sense out of the current...