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Hillary for Prison 2016

Even Snowden believes that anyone, besides Hillary, would be in prison for mishandling top secret government information. While the government was being hacked,...

It's Always Corruption – Just Follow the Money

Christine Lagarde has been threatening countries to turnover the rich or they would be removed from the Swift Code system, which would disable them to receive or...

Market Talk — December 17, 2015

Asia roared-on after all the fun and games in the U.S. with the Nikkei and Shanghai indices closing up close to 2%. Mid-price in yuan was fixed even lower (by the...

Socrates Waiting List

Every day we add another group of people to the Investor level platform, which includes pattern recognition models, pricing charts on all timing levels, and a...

Economists Do Not Try to Forecast the Business Cycle

  QUESTION: Marty, it was fantastic to meet you in Berlin and the conference really opened my eyes. Can’t wait for the sneak preview of the Trader level...

The Agenda Behind Global Warming

There are those who claim that the UN is behind the global warming scam to create a one-world government. If we turn it down a notch and follow the money, we find a...

Violence Against Asylum Seekers in Germany Doubles

It is truly amazing how disconnected the politicians in Europe are from the people they dictate to these days. There is a rising trend of attacks on...

Riots in Netherlands Against Refugees

  Riots are erupting in Netherlands against the massive influx of refugees. As one reader wrote: I just want to send you an example of civil unrest on a small...

Can the Fed Limit the Fallout Globally?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, No one EVER asks about the consequences of emerging market debt in the global economy. Ms. Yellen stated today they are aware of out...

Market Talk — December 16, 2015

An impressive performance overnight in Asia as we saw the Nikkei back above the 19k level with the 20k psychological target as the next barrier. Europe wanted to...