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Guaranteed Basic Income

Richard Nixon unsuccessfully tried to pass a version of Milton Friedman’s plan. Nixon’s Democratic opponent in the 1972 presidential election, George...

Yellowstone National Park & the Super Volcano

Many people have written emails to ask if we have a model on Yellowstone National Park’s potential for the largest volcano eruption in history. A new study...

Sometimes the Impossible Becomes Possible

Some people can face adversity but others want to hide and pretend nothing is happening. What might seem impossible with respect to political reform to save our...

Depression vs. “Helicopter Money”

QUESTION:  You wrote the Socrates site on 3/23/2016: “Once the “confidence” in government cracks for the BULK OF THE SILENT MAJORITY who do not...

The Donald Trump of China — Ren Zhiquiang

The number one issue concerning Donald Trump is the misrepresentation that this political unrest is about Trump. We are watching a worldwide uprising against...

Have Governments Always Spent More Than Tax Revenues?

  It might surprise many, nonetheless, governments have routinely spent more than they take in from taxes. In ancient times, governments simply minted more...

Private Blog Post for the Opening of Gold Next Week

Private Blog Post Inside Socrates for Gold & Next Week’s Price...

Forecasting That You Can Do As Well

QUESTION: Marty, in the new Gold report on page 34 you state that the $1309 is the yearly number but you said “Therefore, we have two Weekly Bullish Reversals...

Government is Always Dishonorable

QUESTION: Marty; It seems like government always has some covert agenda. The exposure of the FBI lying about being unable to hack the iPhone Apple is just typical....

The Confidence Game Has Been Around Forever

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it true that the central banks have been lying to us to create a false sense of confidence in order to reverse the economy? Is this part...