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Goldman Sachs Fined $5 Billion but is Still Above the Law

Goldman Sachs is finally paying a price (money) for the role it played in the 2007 mortgage scandal, but of course, nobody is going to jail, which proves that...

Constitutional Judge Warns Merkel is Violating the Constitution

German Federal Constitutional Judge, Udo di Fabio, says the German federal government is constitutionally obligated to take control of border security when European...

Can Mathematicians Forecast Markets?

QUESTION: Greetings Mr Armstrong and thank you for your excellent blog! I have recently started reading Benoit Mandelbrot’s The Misbehaviour of Markets in...

Let The Bail-Ins Begin

Portugal is starting to bail-in banks. The fascinating aspect that nobody seems to see is that this is a total failure of socialism. The U.S. Federal Reserve was...

Market Talk – January 15th, 2016

We did NOT elect  the Weekly Bearish today in the Dow Jones Industrial Japan tried to hold overnight gains but by the time the rest of the Asian markets opened it...

Socrates Extended Preview for Attendees

We added some additional modifications to the Trader preview site that will go up this weekend. As mentioned, the Trader preview is a special promotion for 2015...

The Dow and 15940

The key level to watch today is 15940 for the close. This is our Weekly Bearish and if it holds for the closing, then we may see a bounce next week. We have...

Shanghai & Oil

In China, the Shanghai share market broke its major psychological support at 3000. The selling pressure has continued to expand on time here in January as oil also...

Market Talk — January 14, 2016

There was a time when a 2% price swing used to be something to write about! Asia returned a mixed session with the Nikkei (-2.6%) handing back most of...

Trump vs. Cruz & Goldman Sachs

They are now playing “Born in the USA” at Trump rallies to distinguish him from Cruz who was born in Canada. The real issue that Cruz will not address...