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Now Available: The Dollar Report

This report provides the long-term view for the dollar and euro going into 2020....

Metals Update – Private Blog

Metals Update on the Private...

Panama Paper Names to be Partially Released Today?

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has said that they will release the names of the people involved in the Panama Papers today. They...

Armstrong Speaking Next Weekend HackMiami 2016

“The Forecaster” will be shown this year at the Hack Miami 2016 Conference, which I will be speaking at. The long arm of government seeks to grab technology and...

Failure of the Quantity of Money Theory

QUESTION: Marty; Are you saying that Bill Gross is wrong and they will not try “helicopter money” again or that “helicopter money” will not...

Monetary Unions – How Fast Can They Collapse?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Nobody seems to be able to answer this question. How fast would the Euro disintegrate if the EU appears to be on the verge of collapsing...

Did the Fed Create Cash or Debt with QE?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; some people say you are wrong because the Fed did not create “cash,” but rather made more debt available through the QE...

Market Talk — May 6, 2016

A couple of rumors and some nerves ahead of the all important US Non-Farms Payrolls. In mainland China there were rumors that local regulators may want to delay...

The Subsidized Education & Health Care Disaster

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What do you think about Bernie Sanders saying education should be free? Is this socialism or doable? ANSWER:The two areas that constantly...