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Swiss Member of Parliament Warns of Islamic Invasion This is an old story that is starting to resurface with the Islamic...

Swiss Ban Muslim Prayer Towers

This was an old story that is starting to...

Happy Halloween


Did Cycle Theory Begin With The Discovery of a Rhinoceros?

You may not realize it, but it was the discovery of a frozen rhinoceros in Siberia that introduced cycle theory and altered everything in science igniting the Age...

Le Pen vs Merkel & Hollande at the European Parliament Le Pen warns that France is subservient to Germany. She stands for independence and sovereignty, which is the...

Socrates Update

We will be putting up videos on Socrates shortly. Due to the exceptional amount of attendees at this year’s World Economic Conferences in Berlin and...

Real Estate Outlook

For all those interested in real estate, we have prepared a major report on world real estate. This report will be handed out for the conferences in Princeton and...

World Population

QUESTION: Do you think the world is overpopulated and that is the problem? ANSWER: Anyone who has flown around the world and looked out the window knows that there...

Market Manipulations: The Greatest Scam of All TIME

Throughout history, there has NEVER been a market manipulated TO ALTER its long-term trend – PERIOD. If this were remotely true, then communism would not have...