The number one issue concerning Donald Trump is the misrepresentation that this political unrest is about Trump. We are watching a worldwide uprising against...
It might surprise many, nonetheless, governments have routinely spent more than they take in from taxes. In ancient times, governments simply minted more...
QUESTION: Marty, in the new Gold report on page 34 you state that the $1309 is the yearly number but you said “Therefore, we have two Weekly Bullish Reversals...
QUESTION: Marty; It seems like government always has some covert agenda. The exposure of the FBI lying about being unable to hack the iPhone Apple is just typical....
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it true that the central banks have been lying to us to create a false sense of confidence in order to reverse the economy? Is this part...
Today is Good Friday, a Christian religious holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. For those who haven’t thought about...
COMMENT: Marty; I do not know how you have accomplished creating your model with such extreme accuracy regarding numbers and time, but I do believe you have proven...
The elitist press are starting to realize that they are the problem. “Trump voters are a coalition of the dispossessed. They have suffered lost jobs, lost wages,...