QUESTION: Martin, I am a capitalist and what we have today is the least efficient form of capitalism. Actually it is quite a destructive and dangerous form of...
Edward Snowden has come out and said that the FBI case against Apple is “bullshit”. Snowden said they were indeed attempting to use terrorism as the...
With Japan on national holidays it was left to Shanghai and Hang Seng to show the rest of the world the way forward. With the help of the PBOC, adding ample...
The Dutch are destroying the last vestiges of our liberty under the pretense of protecting it. They are putting a right-wing Dutch politician named Geert Wilders on...
QUESTION: It seems successful trading/investing/forecasting systems work only when used by a few. When these same systems get adopted by more and more users their...
Armstrong 1985 with IBM XT COMMENT: Fantastic examples in the final version (free-markets-are-natures-design). You need to keep connecting the dots until the...
This has been a long time coming. Porting over the old code to run on the internet has been like having to translate French to Japanese and then to English. Most of... This came precisely on our target. This past week was the tipping point for Europe. The start of the real decline in the...