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Democratic Debate: Hillary Made Student Loans Non-Dischargeable in Bankruptcy & Bernie Wants More Taxes

QUESTION: Marty, any comment on the Democratic debate? ANSWER: The debate was boring, pandering, with no vision or reality! Everyone said Hillary won....

Gold Coins

QUESTION: Hi Martin, What advice can you give for buying gold coins? Rare coins can have a small or large premium based on all sorts of metrics. How do premiums...

Clinton Made Student Loans Non-Discharable

The two major acts that the Clintons did perpetrate, which have set in motion our greatest crisis were (1) they repealed Glass-Steagall allowing banks to go nuts...

Commodities Still Contracting

Mitsui & Co Precious Metals Inc is closing down its NY and London operations as losses mount. In New York, their operation was rather small with about 30...

The Dollar

  A Special Report on “The Dollar” and the outlook for the world Monetary System is being prepared for the World Economic Conference for attendees....

The Coming French Revolution of 2020?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for coming to Paris. You said the civil unrest would rise in France going into 2018 and there was a risk of another French...

Why We Are Doomed To Repeat History?

QUESTION: Martin, Why do citizens of a country continually allow their government to destroy the nation without putting up a “real” fight? You have...

Iranian Army Keeps Much Underground

  The Middle East will clearly be the boiling point for this is a major Islamic confrontation between Shia and Sunni that is on par with the English Civil War...

Dow for the Close – Oct. 16, 2015

The Dow held the 15500 number on the Weekly level and then held 16280 level. Our models warn that a slingshot becomes possible taking out the August low. On the...