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Gold & the Dow – Looking Ahead

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So many people have tried to copy what you do and in the process expose themselves as having nothing original to offer. They pretend to...

Market Talk – October 6th, 2015

The day for equities peaked in Europe with most core markets up around 1%. The US changed the mood early in the session as the Biotechs took their toll on the...

Hamburg Is First European City to Authorize the Seizure of Private Vacant Buildings to House Migrants

In response to the refugee crisis, the German city of Hamburg has enacted a new law that will enable the government to seize vacant commercial properties to provide...

NATO Warns Russia to End Air Strikes

The BBC reported that NATO has issued a warning to Russia calling for an end to its air strikes that are targeting U.S. trained forces who have been trying to...

Punic Wars & the Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION:  Mr Armstrong, How does the ECM stack up against The Punic Wars which left the victor, Rome,the Mediterranean superpower and on the road to Empire? Many...

Market Talk — October 5, 2015

The market reaction to the U.S. data on Friday has confused many with both stocks and bonds bouncing into the close. Overnight, the Asian equity markets have...

Taxing per Mile Driven

I have warned that states are desperate for money. Now, they are preparing to impose a tax on each mile driven. Oregon now wants to install a GPS “Mileage...

Global Warming & Climate Change: The Tax Agenda

In September, authorities banned cars from the streets of Paris in preparation for the 2015 Climate Change conference. Governments are behind the climate change...

Austerity vs. Hyperinflation: Which Is the Precursor to Revolution?

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; I recently read an article claiming to be a case study that it was somehow the French hyperinflation that led to the revolution. It seems...

Did World War III Start on the Precise Day of the ECM?

Russia began bombing CIA-trained rebels in Syria precisely on the day of the turn in the Economic Confidence Model. As CNN pointed out, the bombing continues....