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News from Zurich, Review of “THE FORECASTER” & More

Inside Paradeplatz – Corrupt judges, greedy investment bankers and bursting debt chain letters (English...

Taxman Demands Sex or Threatens to Shut Woman’s Business Down

An IRS Agent was arrested by police for threatening to close a woman’s business unless she had sex with him. The IRS Agent, Samuel Garza, showed up at the...

It is Interesting How People Define Labor as Communistic

It is fascinating how some people interpret “total productive capacity” as only brute labor and thus, communistic. This becomes their argument for...

Texas Gold Promoter Missing $30 Million in Metals He Claimed to Store

The Austin Texas Bullion Direct has filed for bankruptcy and it is alleged that $30 million in metals that were supposed to be in storage is gone (Bullion Direct...

Julius Caesar & the Black Basalt Bust Commissioned by Cleopatra

The black basalt bust of Julius Caesar is more likely than not the one commissioned by Cleopatra herself. We know that Cleopatra had built an elaborate shrine, or...

Money: What Is It? What is Interest? What is the Wealth of a Nation?

Angela Merkel and IMF chief Christine Lagarde can laugh it up as Europe burns down. The whole crisis stems from antiquated ideas that center on what money actually...

World’s Top 5 miners Lose $540 BILLION Market Worth

The world’s top 5 miners lost $540 BILLION market value as the Age of Deflation grips all asset classes, helping to send cash running into the open arms of...

TED Talk October 3, 2015

I will be speaking October 3, 2015, at the TEDxBattlenKill Talk broadcasting worldwide from Vermont. This is how do we save the world in 18...

The Paris Debut of “The Forecaster”

I will be in Paris for the debut of “The Forecaster” happening September 13–16. The film will be shown in Paris at PUBLICIS CINEMAS (400 seats) at...

Religious Freedom & War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Do you believe that religion should play any role in government? ANSWER: Religion has historically been the greatest tool for war and...