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Why Government Is Becoming the Enemy

The protest at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge over the government’s claim to land has ended in bloodshed. The attitude of the police has degenerated to...

Market Talk – February 4, 2016

  Japan was again the talking point of the session with yet another down day. Initially, the index opened up 0.5% but it was just a matter of time until the...

We Will Not Be Updating Saturday or Sunday

We will be migrating the site over the weekend as we prepare to launch the new site with enhanced features, such as a state of the art search function. We will be...

Trader Preview Update: What-If Models

We will also be adding our What-If reversal model to the Trader preview version next weekend. This model projects where the reversals will be generated assuming an...

Gold & the Dow

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have a question for your Blog . Do we need a falling dollar, like today, to see Gold rise? Thank you SH Germany ANSWER: No. When...

The Euro Bounce

QUESTION: Marty: I have been waiting to sell the Euro on that reaction rally you have been calling for since your post on January 9th. You stated there that a...

Is the Fed Being Browbeaten into Negative Rates?

The Federal Reserve is in a real crisis. Interest rates are falling negative around the world which by no means has succeeded in stimulating anything. Governments...

The Declining Level of Confidence in Govt. & Gold

QUESTION:  Martin, You have said on multiple occasions, that gold will only rise when the Market loses confidence in the Gov’t.This Mid-Benchmark Rally you...

Year-End Signals for 2016 Generated at the Close of 2015

Since many people have asked to purchase the “2015 Year-End Report” that was provided to WEC attendees, we are making it available so that everyone can...

Market Talk — February 3, 2016

Japan took a turn for the worst today led predominantly by Exporters (Toyota, Nissan, Honda) all down around 5.5% but even they were led by the Nobel House...