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Gold Coins

QUESTION: Hi Martin, What advice can you give for buying gold coins? Rare coins can have a small or large premium based on all sorts of metrics. How do premiums...

Clinton Made Student Loans Non-Discharable

The two major acts that the Clintons did perpetrate, which have set in motion our greatest crisis were (1) they repealed Glass-Steagall allowing banks to go nuts...

Commodities Still Contracting

Mitsui & Co Precious Metals Inc is closing down its NY and London operations as losses mount. In New York, their operation was rather small with about 30...

The Dollar

  A Special Report on “The Dollar” and the outlook for the world Monetary System is being prepared for the World Economic Conference for attendees....

The Coming French Revolution of 2020?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for coming to Paris. You said the civil unrest would rise in France going into 2018 and there was a risk of another French...

Why We Are Doomed To Repeat History?

QUESTION: Martin, Why do citizens of a country continually allow their government to destroy the nation without putting up a “real” fight? You have...

Iranian Army Keeps Much Underground

  The Middle East will clearly be the boiling point for this is a major Islamic confrontation between Shia and Sunni that is on par with the English Civil War...

Dow for the Close – Oct. 16, 2015

The Dow held the 15500 number on the Weekly level and then held 16280 level. Our models warn that a slingshot becomes possible taking out the August low. On the...

The Loss of All Liberty Is Coming Faster Than You Imagined

UK Prime Minister David Cameron reflects the serious problem we have with politicians. Politicians have ZERO respect for our human rights for they only think...

Refusal to Publish Research that Shows Anti Man-Made Climate Change

Whenever someone discovers something that contradicts established academia, their findings are suppressed. This is true in economics, earth sciences, and even...