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The World Is a Teacher If You Listen

QUESTION: Marty; CNBC even mentioned your turning point. They called you the “fringe” economist. Others call you the “source”, “Mr....

Jobs & Markets

The jobs number came in sharply lower than expected. U.S. employers have not been hiring over the last two months and wages fell in September. With the 2015.75...

2015.75 & Debt: Did 9/30 Mark the Beginning of the End?

Interestingly, the debt ceiling was kicked down the road to the precise date of the ECM turning point: September 30, 2015 (2015.75). Boehner had to resign; this has...

Gold & Money Supply

QUESTION: Sir; Will the Fed start to print money again if the economy turns down and does this not cause gold to rise? Thank you for your insight in this confusing...

TED Talk on October 3, 2015 in Vermont

  The 18 Minute Challenge: How to Save the World. Tickets are still...

California’s Political Battle on 2015.75

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. of California has advocated raising taxes for climate change as if paying more taxes could somehow alter the universe. Brown has also...

Real Estate and the ECM

The peak in real estate may have arrived. At the same time, this reflects the shift away from government bonds. Blackstone Group LP, the largest real estate...

Market Talk — Oct. 1, 2015

Asian equities further consolidated the gains today, adding an additional 1-2% on yesterday’s closes. In Europe, early efforts to rally were muted and...

Palestinian Flag Raised at UN on ECM 9/30/2015

The number of significant events that have unfolded precisely on 9/30/2015 (2015.75) is shocking. At the United Nations, they raised the Palestinian flag for the...

2015.75 ECM Turning Point in Poland

A reader sent in another event on the day of the ECM, which is again political and shows the problem in government. The sweeping elections in Poland were really...